Friday, November 8, 2013

Sorocaba Day 3

Today is the actual graduation ceremony for Martha where she gets her diploma. Again the activities started late in the day. I am learning about Brazilian time.  Americans are so worried about schedules and are judged for being on time or late to events. In Brazil the party gets started whenever everyone gets there. So graduation at 5 pm started closer to 7 pm. 
Martha with her family before graduation. 
Pomp and circumstance. 
Doctor Martha Camillo Jordão. Parabens, Martha!!!!

Again, the graduation ceremony lasted until the middle of the night and dinner started at midnight. Another wonderful food experience with an amazing family!  

So we thought the graduation was the finale of the celebrations but the party goes on!  Saturday is the big fancy ball and dinner so another formal affair to attend. This continues to be the most amazing experience of my life!  And the eating frenzy continues!  




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