Friday, November 8, 2013

Sorocaba Day 2

Graduation celebrations in Brazil are over the top occasions. Thursday started with a church service in the cathedral with all 95 new doctors all dressed in white. 
The service was beautiful with amazing music and singing. 
All the students wore their stethoscope to be blessed by the priest. 

Martha was beautiful, of course. Almost her entire family was there, grandmothers, her sister and husband, her aunt and her best friends all came to celebrate with her. 

After church everyone went to a wonderful restaurant for lunch. 
Here we are eating again!  Then it was back to the hotel to rest and get ready for the real party. Little did I know!!  

I think Brazilians like to get dressed up in formal clothes. But the party did not even start until 10 pm!  There were at least 1800 people at the formal ball and the party was raucous. Fabulous music, very loud. Food tables with finger foods started at 10. The dinner food was put out after midnight. There were 4 or 5 bars with anything alcohol to drink. Well, not everything. Mike couldn't find any red wine. 

Everyone was dressed in their finest. I have never seen so many beautiful people in one place before in my life!!  Absolutely stunning!  And the party was not going to end until 6 in the morning!  
Sally, Mike and I finally gave out at about 3:30 along with Martha's grandmas and aunt and mom and dad. We finally got back to the hotel about 4:30 am!  

So Friday is the actual graduation ceremony and then I don't know what else is coming next. Maybe more parties, eh?  Fabulous!!!



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